Sixth Form Information
Introduction to Sixth Form
Most of our students continue their education post-16 with an increasing majority of year 11 students choosing to stay on at Hedingham Sixth Form.
Results in the sixth form are impressive and our sixth form students have an excellent record in gaining places at their chosen universities.
Hedingham School Sixth Form offers students a wide range of stimulating programmes comprising of A Levels, Vocational and BTEC Level 2 and 3 courses. We provide support structures and a learning environment that allow every student the opportunity to succeed. Students are given guidance to apply for Apprenticeships.
Close links are maintained with the university sector and with employers offering further education and training. Our students undertake a business and industry course, enterprise challenge, where they liaise with local businesses to solve real world problems.
Our Sixth form students provide good role models for the rest of the school. They exhibit positive attitudes and a strong sense of community.
What Hedingham Sixth Form offers you
• programmes negotiated to meet your individual needs
• carefully prepared academic and vocational courses leading to Advanced and BTEC examinations
• opportunity to mentor and support younger students in school
• small teaching groups
• supervised study and excellent independent study facilities
• support of one Sixth Form Assistant
• induction programme
• interesting programmes of study which challenge you
• a range of teaching and learning styles which stimulate you
• a wide range of additional activities to help you build an outstanding Curriculum Vitae
• opportunity to develop key skills including ICT
• work-related activities
• carefully structured academic and personal guidance to facilitate individual action planning
• tutorial programme
• Encouragement to develop a Growth Mindset
• opportunities to plan for and appreciate the range of possibilities for the future
• careers guidance
• some work experience
• preparation for Higher Education and individual help on applying for UCAS for University entry
• a wide range of social activities and opportunities
What Hedingham Sixth Form expects from you
• increasing responsibility for your own learning and behaviour
• providing a role model younger students can aspire to
• the pursuit of excellence
• effective use of your study time
• regular and punctual attendance
• meeting deadlines set for your work
• a pride in your appearance
• a pride in the Sixth Form environment
• participation in a range of community-based activities to develop a broader curriculum vitae
• commitment to completion of courses you start
Hedingham offers the right courses for you
Hedingham Sixth Form offers a broad range of academic, Vocational and BTEC courses which cater for students of all abilities. We help you to choose a programme of courses which suits your individual needs.
We offer BTEC programmes at a Level 2 and 3 in a range of subjects.
A Level Programme:
A Level subjects are 'linear' qualifications. This means students take A Level exams at the end of two years. However, in order to assess student progress at the end of Year 12, a mock exam will be taken by students to assess their academic progress.
Curriculum 2019/21
A Levels: Business Studies, Geography, Government and Politics, History, Philosophy and Ethics, Psychology, Sociology, Art & Design, Media, Photography, French, German, English Literature, Bioilogy, Chemistry, Computer Science, Design & Technology, Mathematics, Physics.
Enrichment: Extended Project Qualification (EPQ), Core Mathematics, The Duke of York Award, Community Sports Leadership Award, Further Mathematics
BTEC Level 2 Programme: Multi-Trade Skills
BTEC Level 3 & Cambridge Technical Extended Certificate: Children's Play, Learning and Development, Digital Media, Information Technology, Certificate in Performance, Sport
GCSE Resits: English and Maths
If a student is ill or for any other reason unable to get to the school, the school must be notified by telephone on the morning of the absence. The message will then be relayed to the tutor. If there is an absence of five days or more, then this should be supported by a doctor’s certificate.
For planned absence eg hospital appointment, university visit, funeral, driving test etc, students should fill in a pale blue absence form prior to the event. Students who receive a bursary should complete a dark blue absence form for planned absence. Students should not plan driving lessons or routine doctor’s appointments during the school day.
Parents of students who are not present at school and have not completed a form prior to their absence will be texted on the morning of the day they are not in school to check the reason for absence. Students who arrive late to school must sign in at the Front Office.
Learners’ Code
Hedingham Sixth Form has very high expectations of all learners. Students will need to show that they are capable, polite, cooperative and independent learners. They will have to work hard to keep their place on their chosen courses here by performing to expectations, working at or above their target grades, achieving well in all exams, keeping up attendance and behaving appropriately at all times.
Hedingham Sixth Form’s policy on behaviour and performance expectations (Learners’ Code) has been put into place to support student’s learning and to enable them to achieve their goals.
The Sixth Form participates in the Higher Education Conference in June each year at one of the local universities and has a programme of guidance for university entrance. They also have access to a Personal Adviser. In the Summer Term for Year 12 students there is a business Enterprise week which prepared students for the world of work.
We understand that many Year 12 & 13 students have paid employment for a number of hours each week. It is important that this is always out of school time and we recommend that 8 hours should be the maximum length of time spent in paid employment per week. Additional hours will have a detrimental effect on a student’s ability to study effectively.
We pride ourselves in being a caring school in which students are keen to work, and bullying is rare. Nevertheless, we acknowledge that incidents of bullying can occur. The Anti-Bullying Policy was devised by students and staff. It lays out how we attempt to build an ethos which is positive about individual differences between people and which deters bullying. It makes it clear that bullying is unacceptable, and finds ways of supporting the victim, and guiding the bully into more socially acceptable ways. In addition, Sixth Form students offer active listening to support any younger student who needs to talk.
The School’s policy makes charges for a number of defined activities in accordance with the Education Reform Act 1988,
• Board and Lodging on overnight trips • Finished Products in Technology
• Work Experience Transport • Individual Music Tuition in School
Child Protection
All staff at Hedingham School are committed to protect and safeguard the welfare of all students within the school. Our aim is
to create an environment where all students feel safe, accepted and trusted.
Students will know that there are adults within the school who they can approach if they are worried or in difficulty. There are activities and opportunities included in the curriculum which equip students with the skills they need to stay safe from abuse. All actions follow the Essex Safeguarding Children Board Guidelines and recommended Essex Child Protection procedures.