Young Carers
Hedingham School has proudly achieved the Bronze Award in recognition for the hard work our staff do to support young carers in education.
Young carers are children and young people under 18 years old who provide regular and on-going care to another person who is physically or mentally ill, disabled or misuses substances.
The programme helps schools improve outcomes for young carers and celebrates good practice through the Young Carers in Schools Award.
“Young carers will have the same access to education and career choices as their peers.” Key Principles of Practice for Young Carers and their Families
Here at Hedingham we want to make sure that we support every single one of our students, including our young carers.
If you think your son/daughter might be a young carer or you are a young carer and need to talk to somebody in school. Please contact:
Mr Nash – Assistant Headteacher
Mrs Vikki Webb - Year Leader