Student Support – Who to Contact?

If you have a safeguarding concern about any member of our school community, please contact via the school telephone number 01787 460470 or:

Mr D Nash (Designated Safeguarding Lead):

Mr R Hyde (Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead):

Miss M Dunne (Deputy Safeguarding Lead)

Essex Children’s Safeguarding Board – 0345 6037627

Suffolk Children’s Safeguarding Board - 0345 6066067

Emotional Well Being and Mental Health Service 0300 300 1600

Children’s and Adolescent’s Mental Health Service (CAMHS) 0800 953 0222

Children and Families Hub Directory of Services – This is a link to local charities which can offer a variety of support to your family or child. The school can help you contact them.

Report a concern about a child - Essex County Council

If you have a question about any aspect of your child’s welfare, please contact via the school telephone number or:

Pastoral Support Officer Key Stage 3 - Mrs D Bolton

Pastoral Support Officer - Miss H Joslin

Pastoral Support Officer - Mrs R Brooker

Year 7 Leader – Miss M Dunne

Year 8 Leader – Mr A Wright

Year 9 Leader - Mrs V Webb

Year 10 Leader – Mr J Lockley

Year 11 Leader – Mr M Woodley

Head of Sixth Form – Mr R Hyde

Sixth Form Assistant – Miss S Hannam

Sixth Form Assistant - Mrs S Miley

Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator - Mrs S Goodwin

Assistant Headteacher for Student Welfare - Mr D Nash

If your child has a concern, they can report it to The Student Support Centre.

This is open throughout the school day. It is where the Assistant Headteacher of Pastoral Care, Year Leaders, SENCo and Pastoral Managers are based. To avoid missing lesson time, we encourage students to visit here before school, break, lunchtime or afterschool. They can use the area to celebrate their successes, have a ‘check-in’ with a member of staff or for any aspect of support.

Orange Card. These cards are similar to ‘worry boxes’ and are situated around the school. They are checked daily.

Email - Your child can email from their school email account.