
Designated Safeguarding Lead – David Nash, Assistant Headteacher
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead – Melissa Dunne, Head of Year 7 & Rory Hyde, Leader of Sixth Form

At Hedingham School, we believe everyone who comes into contact with children and their families and carers has a role to play in safeguarding children.

We are a community where we educate both staff and students how to manage and reduce risks in every aspect of school life and beyond the school gate.

The staff within the school know how to identify if a child may be at risk. Robust reporting and intervention procedures ensure that any child who needs additional support receives it at the earliest possible opportunity. Our approach is always child centred.

In addition to this, we believe it is important to educate students on the risks they may face as they progress into adulthood. Therefore, students receive regular assemblies, tutor time sessions and outside speakers based on risks they may encounter.

Students can report any concerns about themselves or others by:

  • Telling any adult in the school
  • Visiting the Student Support Centre
  • Completing an ‘Orange Card’ (worry boxes situated around the school)
  • Emailing

For more information, please refer to our Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy.

You will also find available here some information, advice and guidance on some risks young people may face.