
In order for you to attain your full potential, attendance at all lessons for your chosen courses is compulsory. Year 12, 13 and 14 students must register each morning between 8.40-9.10 am in the Sixth Form area. They must also attend 1-1 mentoring by appointment with their personal tutor. We expect you to read your school email daily. It is compulsory for students to attend all personal tutor sessions. Students should aim for a minimum of 95% attendance. If attendance is a concern there will be a meeting with parents.

To maximise your potential as a Sixth Form student you are also encouraged to stay in school all day to make the best use of your personal study time. Teachers may ask to meet with you during this time. Year 12, 13 and 14 students may go home after their last lesson of the day. If you are leaving the school site during the school day it is compulsory to sign out at the Sixth Form office. This allows us to have correct information for fire drill procedures.